High quality children basics

Made from recycled and organic cotton

LALOOP is a high quality children’s brand made locally from recycled cotton to save large quantities of water, co2 and energy. Less waste, a better planet.



LALOOP was born in Amsterdam on an early Saturday morning when two fathers met for a well deserved cup of coffee and discussed the rapid growth of their baby girl and toddler boy. 


To preserve natural resources for the next generation and limit our environmental footprint.


LALOOP revolutionized the children´s clothing industry with a clever circular model to increase the life cycle of garments. We developed a return system for parents to donate their children´s clothes for a new life, whether for another child or being up cycled. 


LALOOP are high quality children basics made locally from recycled cotton to save large quantities of water, co2 and energy.  Easy to order online and delivered via your mailbox. 

Our clothes are soft, comfortable, unique and sustainable. 

Positive attitude

Change by offering better and easier solutions for day to day problems – transparent what we try to solve and what not. Start small but what better then to start with the new generation.

No chemicals

Made locally = Fair trade / good working conditions / fair wages (Portugal ).


social working space

Created with passion

Essentials /Basics lijn voor kids 0-5 jaar gemaakt van organic/gerecycled /up cycled materialen. Online te koop / via post door brievenbusbezorgd.– na elke X aankoop mogelijkheid tot terugsturen van “oude kleren”. Deze worden of gerecycled of doorgegeven aan kindertehuizen. (1 voor 1 beginsel?). Elke keer dat kind uit de kleren groeit weer een nieuw pakket aan basics.


We developed a return system for parents to donate their children´s clothes for a new life, whether for other families or being up cycled. No more waste.

Help us to collect raw materials to recycle! Do you want to function as a drop off point to collect old “clothes”!! . Please leave your address here..
